The MMD Format is built into the SONOfind systems which are used by a number of companies. In addition, some companies understand MMD in their imports. For others, we have built a number of different converters to convert from MMD to the requested export format.
Music Metadata Participants (using SONOfind)
MMD Exports (these companies can work with plain MMD Format):
- BMAT (
- iNumerica (
- HARVEST Media – a plattform for distributing production music is capable of working with data in MMD format. Find them at
MMD Exports available for:
All your music meta data in MMD format can be transformed to many different formats by using XSL Transformation. Convertersa are already available for these societies/companies:
Aegid |
BBC – I like music |
Channel 5, MTV and Viacom (UK) |
FiveAlarm |
GVL (neighboring rights Germany) |
HR (ARD) |
iMaestro |
MPN (Commercial) |
MPN (Production) |
MusicDirector |
Netmix |
ole |
Orchard |
Pro7/Sat1 |
Ritmo |
SCF (neighboring rights Italy) |
Shazam |
Soundminer |
Soundmouse |
Tunesat |